Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bullwhip Guy / Walking on Water

Response to Rob Bell's NOOMA Bullhorn Guy

Response to another of Rob Bell's NOOMA videos

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

An Aphorism and a Question

A Christian is not someone who feels repentance on Sunday for what he did on Saturday and is going to do on Monday. A Christian is someone who repents everyday from what he used to do on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. - Ben

Which is better: the hands that help or the lips that pray?

Dinosaurs and the Bible (3 of 7)

by Dr. Kent Hovind at

Friday, December 21, 2007

Sad... just sad...

As a healthy (spiritually, I mean) alternative to this sort of madness, I want to suggest you listen to Pastor John Piper’s clip “Sorrowful yet always rejoicing”.


Questions about Heaven, Church and Christ

If this is (was) you, wouldn't you want to know the answer? Wouldn't you want to know the truth? Take the time to talk to someone about Jesus Christ.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Age of the Earth (1 of 7)

by Dr. Kent Hovind at

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

What is the Gospel? Regeneration

(Thanks Toby)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's About The Cross

"Christmas song 'It's About the Cross' by the band Go Fish ( set to images from the Passion, the Jesus Film, the Gospel of John, The Nativity Story, It's a Wonderful Life, The Chronicles of Narnia, and other productions...'Cause Christmas is really about the Cross."
-quote taken from youtube

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sexual Purity

by John Piper

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Need help with Greeting people?

You've come to the right video

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Secret Church

The Persecuted Church

Brook Hills Baptist Church

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Podcast Addition!

ResourceCampus is the new Ministry Podcast site. You can either subscribe or just download the episodes.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

More on Jehovah's Witnesses

Warning: it's 58 minutes long.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Joyce Meyer hosts Ray

Check out leading author Joyce Meyer's show with Ray Comfort

Part 1

Part 2

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Student Ministers (Children to College) - Please Watch

This is a 6 part teaching series called "Understanding and Discipling the Adolescent World" by Chuck Bomar. This is a brief summary of who Chuck is. Keep in mind, The Master's Seminar y's president is John MacArthur (quality stuff).
Chuck Bomar

M.Div., The Master’s Seminary
B.A., Theology/Youth Ministry, San Jose Christian College
Chuck Bomar founded the University Ministry at Cornerstone Community Church and currently serves as the Student Ministry Pastor. He speaks frequently at churches, youth conferences and camps, and teaches seminars dealing with postmodern ministry, teaching/preaching, college ministry, and philosophy of ministry.

Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
Presentation 4
Presentation 5
Presentation 6

Friday, October 12, 2007

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Prayer, Evangelism, Ravenhill

Listen to what Leonard Ravenhill says is the #1 hindrance to spiritual revival (about half way). He says the #1 hindrance of revival is modern evangelism.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Call for the Wailing Women

by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Saturday, September 29, 2007

How to escape deception - a look at the Scriptures

Zac Poonen - How To Escape Deception

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pastors, Jostle Their Assurance

John Piper - Test Yourself: Football or Christ?

another similar video:
Video 1

Monday, September 17, 2007 talks with Paul Washer

Click here to listen to the Podcast (.mp3)

Also, keep an eye out for new and updated ministry links added occasionally

Monday, September 10, 2007

Texas Tech Evangelism Video!

It's finally online (thanks Toby)!

Thanks Tim, Blake, and FBC Lubbock Media Department!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

"Entertained to Death"

A Youth Ministry Article:
Here is an article I just read that talks about how the majority of churches are doing youth ministry (but the principles could easily apply to college, and childrens ministries as well) and a healthy alternative.

Entertained to Death
The Case Against Entertainment in Youth Ministry
by Ken Moser

Friday, September 07, 2007

Ravi Zacharias

He is a Christian apologist (defender of the faith) and a prolific writer. Better yet, he was born in India. "Let My People Think" is Ravi's radio broadcast. This is a link to the archives. Pick one that looks interesting and be enlightened.

Here are some videos:
Ravi Zacharias at Penn State University Q & A_1

Ravi Zacharias at Penn State University Q & A_2

Ravi Zacharias at Penn State University Q & A_3

Football Church... a foot in the mouth

"Well, God loves football too. Actually, God cares about people and people love football." ... a quote to explain this "Pastor's" philosophy of ministry.

Read the full article

Questions I ask... Anything wrong here? If so, what? What about his philosophy? What about his interpretation of scripture/God's character?

Supplemental reading: "The Church Has Become a Circus... Literally"

Thanks Dorothy!

Friday, August 31, 2007


Anyone interested in missionary work would benefit greatly from watching this Heart Cry Missionary Society presentation video and absorbing the biblical principles presented therein.

Click the banner to go to the video.

Do You Long to Preach?

First, crying out to God to use you to preach His Word should not be your top priority. You should cry out to Him to conform you (your life, your obedience, etc.) to the likeness of Christ. As one preacher said, "The most dangerous prayer anyone can ever pray is 'God, make me like Christ. Whatever it takes; if you need to crush me to pieces, if you need to tear apart my ministry, and kick me off of my throne, do it. I don't care, just make me like Jesus'."

Second, I'm convinced by the testimony and histories recorded about every prominent preacher that the preparation to preach is just as if not more important than the act itself. This idea is not original and is contrary to the spirit of the age which tries to prop man up, boosting his self-esteem, and giving him books and websites containing thousands of ready-to-preach sermons in a box. One of the first things I have learned about preaching is that it is primarily testimonial; specifically first-hand testimony! A. W. Tozer worded an expression of this thought well in his book The Pursuit of God saying:

"Hearts that are `fit to break' with love for the Godhead are those who have been in the Presence and have looked with opened eye upon the majesty of Deity. Men of the breaking hearts had a quality about them not known or understood by common men. They habitually spoke with spiritual authority. They had been in the Presence of God and they reported what they saw there. They were prophets, not scribes, for the scribe tells us what he has read, and the prophet tells us what he has seen.
The distinction is not an imaginary one. Between the scribe who has read and the prophet who has seen there is a difference as wide as the sea. We are today overrun with orthodox scribes, but the prophets, where are they? The hard voice of the scribe sounds over evangelicalism, but the Church waits for the tender voice of the saint who has penetrated the veil and has gazed with inward eye upon the Wonder that is God. And yet, thus to penetrate, to push in sensitive living experience into the holy Presence, is a privilege open to every child of God."

Lastly, a good study aid, while it presents the potential to overwhelm your study of the Bible itself, is a valuable resource when used properly. Here are two books that are excellent on this topic of preaching.

Preaching by Fred Craddock - This one is more of an easy read
Handbook of Contemporary Preaching by Michael Duduit (Ed.) - This one is excellent for study and reference.

On a side note, I must mention two more things. 1) Charles Spurgeon - called the Prince of Preachers. Learn as much as you can from him and his sermons. 2) I have been learning the most about preaching by simply hearing good preaching. Check the resources on the site for good examples.

Any commentary or suggestion is much appreciated. I am no expert.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

8 Reasons I Don't Share My Faith

Sound Familiar? Get up, get out, and share your faith.
(Thanks Michael)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Visit to TTU for Fall 07' = Success

We have begun our outreach to Texas Tech University for the fall. Yesterday was our first visit out since school started, and it went extremely well. God sent his Spirit to help us poor, feeble folks to do His work. Thank Him.

Click the picture to go to the full report.

Bonus: Check out the Sacred Sandwich for some church humor with a good point (Thanks Dorothy).

Monday, August 27, 2007

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Worst Website of the month

Here we find a prime example of a postmodern slant on (or more accurately a twisting of) the Scriptures and Historic Christianity in general. A hardy "WARNING" should be proclaimed anytime someone comes along offering an "alternative" approach to Christianity, or a "new interpretation" to who Christ was and what he taught. This is how all the Christian derivative cults have begun.

After attempting to undermine the doctrines of the about Christ's nature and the Holy Spirit, the anonymous authors seek to provide their own definition of Christianity (basically that "unity" = Christianity, and any disunity does not = Christianity).

It should be noted that the main purpose of the first few essays is to scold "Fundamentalism" (as they define it) for it's black and white (or absolute) claims about the truth. Yet, in the following essays, they make their own absolute claim that this "Fundamental" approach is wrong. Quite the hypocrisy.

Christ did not come for the sole purpose of "unity". He even warned against this type of thinking in Matthew 10:34 when he sent out the twelve, where he basically says 'do not misunderstand my purpose in coming'.

"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" (Matt 10:34 NASB).

This website seems to be the classic "Social Gospel" in a new packaging. Maybe it will help you in your faith to see what to guard against.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


My New Favorite Group - Rajaton!
They are Finish and magnificent

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Dimmitt, TX

This past week was awesome getting to meet and spend time with the students from FBC Dimmitt. It was my first experience with them as the new Interim Youth Minister. I love you guys!

I just wanted to add some new links I've found: - Ken Ham's ministry about Creation Science
Got questions about where the earth came from?
about Dinosaurs in the Bible, etc...

Reach Records - Hip Hop that's like drinking from a fire hydrant

Crossmovement Records - Hip Hop that's real

Hazakim - Hip Hologetics

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Be Real

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Paul Washer

Saturday, May 26, 2007


There are many prodigal sons
On our city streets they run
Searching for shelter
There are homes broken down
People’s hopes have fallen to the ground
From failures

This is an emergency!

There are tears from the saints
For the lost and unsaved
We’re crying for them come back home
We’re crying for them come back home
And all your children will stretch out their hands
And pick up the crippled man
Father, we will lead them home
Father, we will lead them home

There are schools full of hatred
Even churches have forsaken
Love and mercy
May we see this generation
In it’s state of desperation
For Your glory

This is an emergency!

Sinner, reach out your hands!
Children in Christ you stand!
Sinner, reach out your hands!
Children in Christ you stand!

And all Your children will stretch out their hands
And pick up the crippled man
Father, we will lead them home
Father, we will lead them home

-Leeland, Tears of the Saints

A Call to Anguish by David Wilkerson (on

Malachi 1:11
"For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense is going to be offered to My name, and a grain offering that is pure; for My name will be great among the nations," says the LORD of hosts."
Isaiah 29:13; Daniel 11:32

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The comfort of Perseverance

I've studied the doctrine of perseverance lately and have discovered a deeper understanding of God and my faith. This discovery really translates into a worshipful comfort that overcomes me when I reflect on the sovereignty of God in perseverance. Here are a few videos that give a good overview and explination of these concepts (classroom setting) from Michael Patton at I found them to be very helpful and honest.

Video 1 - Can a believer lose their salvation?
Video 2 - A defense of conditional security.
Video 3 - A defense of eternal security.

I close with a cartoon

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Top 10 Amazing Facts of Mormonism

Top 10 Amazing Facts of Mormonism
by Jill Martin Rische

On Sunday, February 25, 2007, Meet the Press had an interesting roundtable discussion on Mormonism that reflected the abundance of their journalistic ignorance. What I found particularly amusing (choosing humor in lieu of intense frustration) was their patronizing comment that Christians know very little about Mormonism. They proceeded to cite a recent poll that showed 45% of Evangelicals view Mormonism negatively (although the source of the poll was fuzzy). This seemed a bit illogical, since Christians must know something for the negative percentage to be so high. No mention was made of the unique Mormon beliefs that might cause millions of rational souls to view them with a healthy dose of skepticism.

After pondering the wisdom of the media elite (or lack thereof), I decided to research a short list of Mormon facts to help guide them through the dense jungle of Mormon Doctrine:

Top 10 Amazing Facts of Mormonism

  1. Mormons can become gods and goddesses.

  1. Goddesses will spend eternity in full submission to their god-husband.

  1. Mormon women will give birth “forever and ever” to spirit-babies.

  1. Mormon men can have multiple wives in heaven—eternal polygamy.

  1. Heavenly Father is an exalted man who lives with his goddess wife, Heavenly Mother, on a planet near the great star Kolob.

  1. American Indians are descendants of the wicked Lamanites, who were Israelites that God cursed with dark skin.

  1. God the Father had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus, who is the half brother of Lucifer.

  1. All Christian churches are an abomination.

  1. Mormons need 4 secret handshakes to get into the Celestial heaven.

  1. Joseph Smith revealed that the actual Garden of Eden is in Jackson County, Missouri.

And so you see, 45% of Christians know what thousands of the media elite do not: Mormonism is not Christian.

[1] Journal of Discourses 1:50-51; J of D 8:115; Doctrine and Covenants Section 132:20

[2] Doctrine and Covenants 84:33-9; Goddesses are always subject to a god. Women are denied the Priesthood (meaning they are denied authority—not the same as Catholic priesthood). “In the LDS universe, theologically described as the real eternal universe, each man who achieves the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom is worth many times more than each woman, even the women who qualify at that highest Celestial level, because each man who achieves Godhood-level may have numerous God-wives, but each God-wife may have only one husband. This can only mean that each "heavenly father" is worth many times more than each "heavenly mother." And, even if the ratio were strictly one to one, the male God, not the female God, holds the priesthood authority and is the only one of the God parents to whom his earth-mortality children are allowed to pray. So Mormon women can never, NEVER achieve equality with men, no matter how outstanding or righteous the women are. That's just the way it's set up." MORMON WOMEN, PROZAC® and THERAPY By Kent Ponder, Ph.D. e-mail address:

[3] LDS Apostle Orson Pratt wrote, “Each father and mother will be in the condition to multiply forever and ever” (The Seer, 37).

[4] Doctrine and Covenants 132; Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 11:269; Men can still be sealed for eternity (not time) to women other than their wives; “The practice of polygamy has been discontinued, but the doctrine of polygamy has never been revoked. D&C 132 is still part of the LDS canon. And some current church practices are still based on polygamous principles.” See pro-Mormon site (accessed February 25, 2007).

[5] Pearl of Great Price, Abraham 3:2-4, 9; J of D, 26:214.

[6] Book of Mormon: Alma 3:6-19; 3 Nephi 2:14-15; Enos 1:20; J of D, 7: 290-291.

[7] Journal of Discourses 8: 116; J of D 8: 211; J of D 8: 115; Mormon Doctrine p.546-547.

[8] Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith—History 1:19. Smith claimed God sent him to “restore” true Christianity.

[9] Celestial Kingdom is the highest of 3 levels in the Mormon heaven (need handshakes to get past the angel guarding the veil); See ex-Mormon site (accessed February 25, 2007); David John Buerger, The Mysteries of Godliness: A History of Mormon Temple Worship, (accessed February 25, 2007).

[10] Doctrine and Covenants 116; Journal of Discourses, 10:235; Smith named the Spring Hill, Daviess County, Missouri area Adam-Ondi-Ahman.

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Word of the Day


ap·a·thy [ap-uh-thee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun, plural -thies.
1.absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
2.lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

How's your relationship with God?

Friday, March 02, 2007

The Way of the Master