Thursday, August 23, 2007

Worst Website of the month

Here we find a prime example of a postmodern slant on (or more accurately a twisting of) the Scriptures and Historic Christianity in general. A hardy "WARNING" should be proclaimed anytime someone comes along offering an "alternative" approach to Christianity, or a "new interpretation" to who Christ was and what he taught. This is how all the Christian derivative cults have begun.

After attempting to undermine the doctrines of the about Christ's nature and the Holy Spirit, the anonymous authors seek to provide their own definition of Christianity (basically that "unity" = Christianity, and any disunity does not = Christianity).

It should be noted that the main purpose of the first few essays is to scold "Fundamentalism" (as they define it) for it's black and white (or absolute) claims about the truth. Yet, in the following essays, they make their own absolute claim that this "Fundamental" approach is wrong. Quite the hypocrisy.

Christ did not come for the sole purpose of "unity". He even warned against this type of thinking in Matthew 10:34 when he sent out the twelve, where he basically says 'do not misunderstand my purpose in coming'.

"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" (Matt 10:34 NASB).

This website seems to be the classic "Social Gospel" in a new packaging. Maybe it will help you in your faith to see what to guard against.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Ben, I don't know if anyone else looks at your page, but this post is probably my favorite so far!

If you truly believed that the center of Christ's message is "unity," then why is it that you would make a website and post essays on it that attempt to tear down another group of Christians? How ignorant must you be to think that this would help to further the Kingdom?

A verse comes to mind...

1 Thessalonians 5:11 (really just read the whole chapter)

The Way of the Master