Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Cost of Anointing by David Wilkerson

Part 1

Part 2

Some Ideas to listen for:
- You know it when you hear it. There's a weightiness to it
- God doesn't give the anointing to lazy preachers (referred to as "Light Men")
- You've become too busy. There's no hunger brokenness, and no cry.
- You can get so involved in studying how to understand the Bible that you can get away from the Word of God.

Notes: This message has some Assemblies of God/Pentecostal terminology and themes (espescially at the very end of part 2), but the overall message definitely transcends denominational divides. I would highly recommend David Wilkerson's preaching. Also check out A Call to Anguish by David Wilkerson (on

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The Way of the Master