Friday, September 07, 2007

Football Church... a foot in the mouth

"Well, God loves football too. Actually, God cares about people and people love football." ... a quote to explain this "Pastor's" philosophy of ministry.

Read the full article

Questions I ask... Anything wrong here? If so, what? What about his philosophy? What about his interpretation of scripture/God's character?

Supplemental reading: "The Church Has Become a Circus... Literally"

Thanks Dorothy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's going to be the response from this minister in Vancouver when the people who come to the bar-church order a beer and all they have to do to pay for it is show a mark on their hands or foreheads? I would figure we just send him those coaster tracts from Living Waters that have the image of a quarter on one side and the gospel on the other. Then the people will have some place to put their beer and maybe some will for the good news when they reach for the "gusto" as Budweiser used to say.

By the way, where will they have children's church? At the arcade! Maybe we can have the ladies meet at Jezebel's Tan and Body Salon. We could even have a church that meets at the local crack house for those who like to watch their football while they get stoned. I am sure God will endorse that as much as he endorses the bar-church.

Just my thoughts,

Gilbert (posted by Ben)

The Way of the Master